# Dash
# Introduction
A dash represents a dynamically rendered card for presentation purposes such as reports and dashboards.
# Base Definition
Just enough to register your dash.
uiFields are optional fields that users can use to modify the result of the rendered dash. Like a select list of months. Changing a uiField will trigger a rerender. They represent a frequently used settings.
configFields are optional fields to configure your dash and represent a setting that is not frequently changed.
const dashType = {
title: "My Custom Dash Type",
description: "This is dash shows a summary of payments",
namespace: "my_custom_dash_type",
configFields: [],
uiFields: [],
callbacks: {
# Example of a table
An example of how to generate a table report.
const dashType = {
title: "My Custom Dash Type",
description: "This is dash shows a summary of payments",
namespace: "my_custom_dash_type",
configFields: [],
uiFields: [],
callbacks: {
render: async function(dashInstance, uiValues) {
const rows = []
return {
type: 'table',
content: {
caption: 'Payments',
'no-data-text': 'No payments found',
'hide-default-footer': true,
headers: [
text: 'Payment method',
value: 'payment_method'
text: 'Currency',
value: 'currency'
text: 'Count',
value: 'count'
text: 'Amount',
value: 'amount',
align: 'right'
rows: rows
# Example of a Google Chart
An example of a chart showing a summary of payments over time.
const dashType = {
namespace: 'payments_over_time',
title: 'Payments over time',
description: 'A line chart of payments over time',
callbacks: {
render: async function(dashInstance, uiValues) {
if(appContext === null) {
return 'Unable to run query'
const granularity = dashInstance.data.granularity || 'days'
const now = new Date()
let year = now.getFullYear()
let month = now.getMonth()
if(uiValues && uiValues.month_and_year) {
const monthYearSelected = uiValues.month_and_year.split('_')
year = monthYearSelected[0]
month = monthYearSelected[1]
const firstDay = new Date(year, month, 1)
const lastDay = new Date(year, month, 31, 23, 59, 59)
return getPaymentStats(firstDay.getTime() / 1000, lastDay.getTime() / 1000, null).then(paymentStats => {
let chartData = [
['Hours', 'Revenue']
Object.keys(paymentStats).forEach(currency => {
let currencyStats = paymentStats[currency]
Object.keys(currencyStats[granularity]).forEach(entry => {
let entryStats = currencyStats[granularity][entry]
chartData.push([entry, entryStats.totalAmount])
return {
type: 'gchart',
content: {
chartType: 'line',
chartData: chartData
alterUIFields: async function(uiFields) {
const now = new Date()
let current = new Date('2015', 1)
const dateOptions = []
while(current.getTime() < now.getTime()) {
const month = current.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'long' })
key: current.getFullYear() + '_' + current.getMonth(),
label: month + ' ' + current.getFullYear()
current = current.addMonths(1)
uiFields[0].options = dateOptions.reverse()
return uiFields
uiFields: [
key: 'month_and_year',
type: 'select',
label: 'Month',
options: [],
cols: 6
key: 'channel',
type: 'select',
label: 'Channel',
options: [],
cols: 6
configFields: [
key: 'granilurity',
type: 'select',
label: 'Granularity',
options: [
key: 'hours',
label: 'Hours'
key: 'days',
label: 'Days'
key: 'weeks',
label: 'Weeks'
# Registration
module.exports = {
app : app,
dashTypes: [